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September 26, 2014

Technology and Self-Expresssion

I found an article the other day while scrolling through one of the many forms of social media I partake in, and found an article about the new Apple watch. In this article (link) they talked about how this watch will shape the future of fashion, and being an avid fashion lover and working in a clothing store, I found this article very interesting, it is a short read, but here are my thoughts...

The apple watch claims to be customizable but "the Apple Watch comes in only three near-identical face styles and half a dozen band-types..." Apple has a huge social imprint, and if these Apple watches take off, everyone is wearing virtually the same thing, and your ability to portray your style is diminished. 

"The watch is no doubt an indication of how Apple will approach future fashion products, offering the masses a constrictive framework in which to dress themselves, all under the guise of customizable “self expression.”" Under this guise, Apple could single handedly change the face of fashion from a form of self expression to a system where you choose A, B, or C, and the choice you make is "self expression." No longer is style something you choose, but something the framework of society chooses for you. 

While this idea of Apple taking over fashion is a long ways away, this could happen, and it's important to be able to see it coming. The article ended with this: "The more Apple invades the fashion market, the more it will look to create a robotic consumerist culture (something it’s already done with tech)—in turn manipulating the greatest enjoyments of style and personal expression." I personally love Apple products, I own an iPhone and a MacBook, but when does the Apple monopoly end. At computers and phones, or fashion? I express myself through clothes, I work in the retail industry, and I pride myself in my unique sense of style, which I don't want to be taken away from me. 

Kind of a random post for this space, but this struck a chord with me, and maybe it will impact you too :)
X, Zoe

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