Going into college is a stressful and new time for everyone. Now that freshman year is in full swing for everyone, I thought I'd share my favor apps!
1. Your schools app
My schools app most helpful feature is the campus map with gps that will tell you exactly where to go from your current location if you happen to be lost. Other features include a course catalog, eataries arround campus and library information.
2. Bank app
Stereotypical broke college student. Keeping an eye on your finances is important. Is that new pair of shoes really in your budget? (I just bookmark my banks home page on Safari)
3. Genius scan
This is an app I heard about from a friend and use all the time. You take a picture and turns it into a scanned copy on your phone. I use this to scan in tests so I can study from them later and send to other classmates to study from too.
4. Pandora/spotify
I personally have both on my phone. I listen to music walking to class, studying in the library or in my dorm, when I'm in the shower, and pretty much all the time.
5. Instagram
What better way to share you pictures of college with your friends and family than Instagram. It's my favorite form of social media.
6. A mind numbing game to play while bored or taking a study break
My personal recommendations are Candy Crush and 2048.
7. Evil apples
A super fun way to get to know your roommate and people on your floor. This is the Cards against Humanity app.
8. Google maps + one bus away
Going away to school means your in a new town. These are my favorite ways to figure out where your going and what bus to take to get where your going.
X, Zoe